Former Bulk Storage Facility, Central New Jersey
Earth Systems provided site investigation, remediation, and Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) services for an approximate 23-acre former petroleum bulk terminal situated in an industrially developed waterfront area in Central New Jersey. Product stored and distributed consisted mainly of No. 2, No. 4, and No. 6 oils. Petroleum products were stored in aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and were received by ship or barge and distributed to trucks via loading racks. All ASTs and site structures were demolished and removed from the site. Earth Systems prepared and implemented remedial investigations, remedial action workplans, and interim remedial measures under the oversight of an LSRP. Earth Systems activities included soil and groundwater sampling, monitoring well installation, and development of site conceptual models and a streamlined closure plan. The remedial action activities include hot spot remediation and installation of engineering and institutional controls in the form of a site-wide deed notice and Classification Exception Area (CEA) and a site-wide cap.
Former Drycleaner, Central New Jersey
Earth Systems completed a Preliminary Assessment on a strip mall facility located in Central New Jersey, which identified that a former tenant operated a dry-cleaning operation. Site Investigation activities determined that the groundwater at the property was significantly impacted by chlorinated solvents. A full scale vapor intrusion sampling event was completed which determined that although PCE existed in the sub-slab soil gas, no indoor air impacts were present. Indoor air continues to be monitored. Vertical and horizontal delineation of the groundwater impacts, which included off-site impacts, was achieved using Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) and electrical conductivity (EC) technologies. A network of shallow and deep monitoring wells was installed across the property, as well as off-site. Remedial action is planned to include a network of horizontal injection wells, vertical injection wells, and an SVE system, which will be in operation over a two-year period to reduce levels of groundwater contaminants.

Agricultural Facility, Central New Jersey
Earth Systems completed site investigation and remedial investigation activities on an active agricultural facility in Central New Jersey. A historic oil discharge from an aboveground storage tank (AST) resulted in impacts to the soil, groundwater, and surrounding wetlands at the property. The NJDEP requested that the owner of the property retain an LSRP to properly close the existing historic case number. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed to illustrate that past historic remedial action (excavation) removed the residual impacts. A Receptor Evaluation was also completed to show that surrounding wetlands and "receptors" were not impacted. The case was close with an Area of Concern (AOC) Unrestricted Use Response Action Outcome (RAO) by the LSRP of record for the site.
Industrial Complex, Southern New Jersey
Earth Systems completed a Preliminary Assessment on a 20- acre industrial complex that was subject to the NJDEP's Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) due to a property transaction. The Preliminary Assessment determined that several areas of concern (AOCs) were present on the property, which required additional site investigation. The site will be closed with a Soil Remedial Action Permit, institutional controls in the form of a deed notice, and a Restricted Use Response Action Outcome (RAO) issued by the LSRP of record for the site.