Brine Release Assessment & Cleanup
Keene, North Dakota
Produced brine water leaked from a disposal pipeline and impacted the surrounding soil, groundwater, and nearby creek. Earth Systems used a geophysical survey including Electro-magnetic (EM) and Electrical resistivity (ER) to non-intrusively assess the horizontal and vertical extent of impacts. Geochemical mechanisms prohibiting plant growth at the site were assessed with surface soil sampling. The nature and extent of groundwater impacts were assessed by installing and sampling monitoring wells.
The remaining salt impacts were mitigated with freshwater flushing. Phytoremediation is the ongoing interim remedial measure to rebuild the soil structure and to prevent chloride impacted surface water runoff from reaching the nearby creek. After mitigation of the source, the impacted soil will be augmented and re-vegetated.

Pipeline Leak Abatement, Tioga, North Dakota
The site is adjacent to a natural gas pipeline corridor near Tioga, North Dakota. A leak of crude petroleum from wet gas was observed on the ground and creek surface. Earth Systems performed assessment with direct push technology to generally locate the source. Excavation to expose the buried piping and pressure testing were used to pinpoint the leak.
A bentonite slurry wall was installed to act as a physical barrier between the release area and the nearby creek. Monitoring wells were installed to define the plume and document cleanup progress. Three product recovery wells were installed up-gradient of the slurry wall for total fluids recovery. Earth Systems initiated several pilot studies to determine the best remedial action (Total Fluid extraction or Multi-Phase extraction).