Site: Former Industrial Property – Essex County
Project Concerns: Envirotactics performed investigation of a Brownfields site for a municipality in EssexCounty with grant funds provided by the NJDEP. The site was a large tract located within an urban area that formerly manufactured chemicals, pharmaceuticals, organic intermediates, fragrances and flavors. Prior to Envirotactics involvement the environmental conditions at the site were unknown.
Investigation: Initially a Preliminary Assessment was conducted that identified over 20 areas of concern that required investigation. Determining the areas of concern required intensive investigation of historical documents for the site including historic site maps, Sanborn insurance maps and various other records maintained. The initial site investigation consisted of the installation of soil borings, test pits, temporary well points and monitoring wells. A total of approximately 70 soil samples were collected for priority pollutant plus forty analysis and 8 monitoring wells were installed. Several rounds of groundwater sampling were performed to document groundwater conditions. The contaminants of concern consisted of volatile organics, petroleum hydrocarbons, base neutral compounds and metals in both the groundwater and soil. Based on the initial investigation a Preliminary Assessment Report, Site Investigation Report and Remedial Investigation Workplan were submitted to the NJDEP and approved.
The remedial investigation phase consisted of the delineation of the contaminants detected during the initial site investigation. An additional approximate 80 soil samples were collected and another 9 monitoring wells for the vertical and horizontal delineation of contaminants of concern were installed. The groundwater investigation included determining groundwater flow, aquifer characteristics and performing a receptor evaluation. Following completion of the remedial investigation, a Remedial Investigation Report and Remedial Action Workplan was submitted to the NJDEP.
Successful Conclusion: The use of grant money allowed the municipality to identify and quantify the contamination present at an abandoned property. Based on the work conducted by Envirotactics, the municipality was able to sell the property to a developer which will put the property back on the tax roll.